If you are from Gadsden, AL then you have called our little ole town GadRock a time or two. If you have met someone from Gadsden, AL then you too have probably also called it GadRock a time or two. When deciding on a name for our climbing gym, no other name would do. We want to celebrate everything that we love about Gadsden, AL. It's who we are, and we are proud to be from here. It's home!
Christmas is upon us, and so many GadRockers will be heading home for the holidays. You cannot go to the grocery store without hanging around and talking with old friends for a bit. For many that grew up here, there was probably a time when you could not wait to get away, and I hope you did. I also hope that your exploration of the world makes coming home even more special.
Next year, we hope that GadRockers and GadRockers at heart will visit our gym. We all have our traditions and we want to be a new part of yours. A little indoor climbing will be a great way to work off the holiday pudge. This year has been a year of new beginnings, and we are so excited about the future of GadRock Microgym and the community that surrounds it. From our growing microgym family to yours, we would like to wish y'all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Get your GadRock on!